PCB Data logger

PCB Data logger


The PCB Data logger is a proprietary data logger designed by DLM for use in the offshore industry. Comprising of multiple on-board sensors and with extra capacity for external mV or mA inputs, the DL-3.0 can sample on-board and external sensors at customisable sample rates of up to 800Hz.
The PCB data logger is designed for integration into OEM equipment for monitoring movement, tilt or inputs from third party sensors which output mV or mA signals. The PCB can be mounted in multiple orientations and then configured using the PC software to measure movement in the X, Y and Z planes.

Part Number: 0001-1439

Key features

  • Load cell input
  • On-board accelerometer
  • On-board gyroscrope
  • GPS antenna
  • RS232 ASCII output


  • Pitch compensation cable engine
  • Independant GPS monitoring
  • Custom monitoring application

Product specification

Load Cell Input: mV / 4-20mA
Load Cell Sensor Range: 0.4 – 5.0 mV/V / 3.00mA – 22.00mA
Load Cell Bridge Resistance: 350 - 2000Ω
Load Cell Logging Frequency: 22 User selected options between 800Hz and once per hour
Accelerometer Input: Onboard sensor
Accelerometer Sensor Range: ±125dps, ±250dps, ±500dps, ±1000dps or ±2000dps
Accelerometer Logging Frequency: 17 User selected options between 416Hz and once per hour
Gyroscope Input: Onboard sensor
Gyroscope Sensor Range: ±125dps, ±250dps, ±500dps, ±1000dps or ±2000dps
Gyroscope Logging Frequency: 17 User selected options between 416Hz and once per hour
GPS Input Onboard sensor
GPS Logging Frequency: 11 User selected options between 1Hz and once per hour
Status Input: Onboard
Status Temperature: ° C
Status Battery Status: Charge level
Logging Frequency: User selected options between once per 10s and once per hour
Protocol: RS232 ASCII
Baud Rate: 9600 / 19200 / 38400 / 57600 / 115200
Data Bits: 8
String format: Configurable
Logging initiation PC software, external switch, time delay or set-point trigger
Data download: Primary USB or secondary RS232
Memory Card: Sandisk 16Gb MicroSD
Pressure Test: 200Bar
Connector: MCBH-8
Mounting Information: 4x3.5mm thru holes
Body Material: 17-4PH Stainless Steel
Material Cert: 3.1 (3.2 upon request)