RLM Display Software


The TW-3.0 RLM Display Software allows users to connect up to 4 of DLM’s Running Line Monitors to a PC via TW-3.0 Handheld or USB receiver, to show the tension, speed
and distance values being measured by each device.

The RLM software shows real time readings for each connected device, with the option to
record these readings to a CSV file for future use. Additionally, the real time values can be
re-transmitted via a single COM port to another software package or survey suite.

Key features

  • Real time tension, speed and distance monitoring
  • Data logging to CSV files for future use
  • Optional re-transmission via a COM port


  • PLGR projects
  • Cable laying
  • Crane and winch monitoring

Product specification

Part Number: 0001-1280
Equipment Required: Windows PC, TW-3.0 Load Cell, TW-3.0 Handheld, male USB to male micro USB cable
Display Unit: Tonne, lbs, kN, KgF, Kg, USTon, Kips
Minimum System Requirements: Operating System: Windows 7 SP1 or above RAM: 512MB or above File Size: 5MB CPU: 1GHz or faster processor Microsoft .NET Framework Version: 4.6.2 or above